Horoscopes for Lovers at Questico

Released on: February 15, 2008, 6:15 am

Press Release Author: Emina Sahovic

Industry: Consumer Services

Press Release Summary: Free Love Horoscopes for Lovers and Friends of Questico and
Live Psychic Readings: Half-price on Feb 15th!

Press Release Body: Hundreds of years ago in England, many children dressed up as
adults on Valentine\'s Day and went from house to house, singing:

Good morning to you, Valentine;
Curl your locks as I do mine
Two before and three behind.
Good morning to you, Valentine.

There are varying stories as to the origin of Valentine\'s Day. Some experts claim
that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give
up Christianity. They also claim that Valentine\'s Day started in the time of the
Roman Empire. In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honour Juno, the Queen
of the Roman Gods and Goddesses.

Although, in our modern times, Valentine`s Day comes every year, the opportunity for
love awaits us every day! New love or a better relationship? At Questico you can
find out what destiny holds for you. Not only on Valentine`s Day! Time to find the
answers to your questions about your love life - with a love-horoscope by Questico
at http://www.questico.co.uk/advice/love-horoscope.htm. Questico`s experienced
psychics help people to find answers through a live telephone reading. For today,
selected love life advisors are offerring calls at half their normal price. First
time callers even get a free advice on love and partner horoscope or any other

It`s not only on Valentine`s day that many lovers and those unhappily in love seek
answers to their questions in a tarot reading on
http://www.questico.co.uk/advice/tarot-reading.htm. The free Questico Newsletter,
which has recently been sent to registered Questico customers, contained the article
"How do two people see each other?" It explains a special technique of card laying
which reveals the relationship between two people. This article will also be
featured in the next issue of the popular Questico Magazine, which will freely be
sent to registered Questico customers. Whoever would like to know what their future
holds in their love life will find a great variety of Love advisors on the Questico
website. These advisors are specialised in answering any of your questions, for
example Questico Advisor Lizzie, an established UK Psychic/Clairvoyant and Expert on
advice by fortune telling at http://www.questico.co.uk/advice/fortune-telling.htm.

Originally involved in advertising and marketing, Lizzie retrained as a holistic
therapist and counsellor. She has now been giving professional readings for twenty
years and has been working as a full-time clairvoyant and life counsellor for more
than ten years. This gifted advisor makes positive and uplifting readings her
priority, empowering the individual to follow their heart and make the most out of
At the beginning of a session Lizzie will introduce herself and tune into the voice
of the caller. She will then ask the client if they have any particular questions or
any areas that they would like looked into. This "listening" aspect of the reading
enables her to link clairvoyantly and also allows her to use neuro linguistic
programming skills. She will then listen to her guides and pass on any information
If the caller asks questions, her work is lead by them, if not she will continue
working with her guides to gather the information the caller needs. Occasionally it
can be difficult to tune in psychically, so she also uses a set of playing cards to
achieve a connection through card reading.
Lizzie specialises in love and relationship issues and also offers written

If you would like to know more about love, relationships and your personal future,
you can try out the services free of charge and without obligation at

On Questico:
Questico GB Ltd is the leading UK address for advice through astrology, horoscope,
tarot and other card readings. The leading esoteric portal www.questico.co.uk
features advisors on issues about life, love, career and luck; they are available
for guidance around the clock.

Web Site: http://www.questico.co.uk

Contact Details: Online Product-PR Contact:
Questico GB Ltd.
Emina Sahovic PR / Marketing Assistant
PO Box 2654 / Bristol
Phone 020 7198 2473
Fax 020 7198 2475
e-mail: e.sahovic@questico.co.uk
web: www.questico.co.uk

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